Real Estate Purchases

While it’s common to lease the office in which your medical practice is located, many practice owners prefer to buy the property outright. Joe Hess can help you negotiate the best real estate deal for your practice, whether you’re buying or selling.

Why Purchase Practice Real Estate?

Your office is the home of your practice, and many medical professionals enjoy having the opportunity to customize the space to their liking. Because of this, it can sometimes be advantageous to purchase the office location rather than renting it year after year.

Often there will be clauses in a lease that prevent customization. Leases are also subject to renegotiation, so buying your office is the more secure and stable option in the long run if you like your location.

Whether you have the opportunity to purchase your location after leasing or are buying an entirely new property for your medical office, Joe Hess Law Firm is here for you. We can help you navigate the real estate purchase process by providing the following services:

  • Finding a compatible location for your office based on your practice’s legal restrictions and business needs
  • Negotiating a purchasing agreement
  • Preparing any contracts
  • Ensuring you obtain financing under fair terms and conditions
  • Reviewing any documents before you sign
  • Overseeing the closing process

Attorney Joe Hess also works with medical professionals who are selling their practice location in order to ensure that all assets are protected and fair terms are established. If you’re thinking about selling your office due to relocation or the closing of your practice, we can help.

Don’t commit to any real estate agreements without consulting a lawyer. Attorney Joe Hess will read through any contracts before you sign to make sure you’re getting a fair deal.


Send us a message or give us a call at (616) 277-7753.